2006 Biggest Charity Ambassadors Source: Jiang Yi Magazine Volume 238 January 4, 2007 This source: http://magazine.sina.com.tw/ No.1 Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-Jeou lead the city to join and break the race record, as well as sponsor the 3rd Taipei International Marathon where he allocated $100,000 for charity, No. 2 Husband and wife Ou Yang Long and Fu Juan are endorsers for anti-domestic violence charity events, and for Li Xin Foundation's Charity Auction Fund-Raising Avtivity. No. 3 Jolin Cai is ambassador-endoreser for Director Shi Foundation's anti-smoking, and calls for everyone to quit puffing up cigarettes No. 4 Jerry Yan is 2007 TW World Vision ambassador for its Child Sponsorship program and last year he went to Mongolia to visit poor children. No.5 Lin Zhi Ling had become TW World Vision ambassador and left for Uganda, Africa for its Love Loaf Program for orphans. No.6 New York Yankee Player Chien-Ming Wang had auctioned his autographed baseball card and donated for the Ji ...