Actress Lin prefers funny man as travel companion

Sunday 23rd May, 05:48 AM JST TOKYO — Taiwanese actress Lin Chi-ling, recently named as a promoter of a Tokyo-based travel agency, said she likes going on trips with men who are entertaining. ‘‘I’d like to go on a trip and relax, as I’ve been very busy,’’ Lin, wearing a blue mini dress, told an event in Tokyo. ‘‘I want to go to Europe with my family.’‘ Lin, 35, also spoke in fluent Japanese about the sort of man she prefers, saying, ‘‘In daily life I like a man who is serious and nice to his parents. When traveling, I prefer an active man who has a sense of humor.’‘ Lin has been appearing in the Japanese TV drama ‘‘Tsuki no Koibito’’ (Moon Lovers) together with actor Takuya Kimura.