Directed by Taiwanese director Kevin Chu, Treasure Hunter depicts a story of a chivalrous young man, Qiao Fei (Jay Chou) who risks it all and attempts to defeat an unscrupulous organization by protecting the treasure. The movie cost up to S$21,000,000 to produce, and also stars leggy Taiwanese supermodel, Lin Chi-ling alongside Eric Tsang, Chen Daoming, Chen Chuhe, and Will Liu. Singapore will be the first stop for the movie's 11-day promotional tour. Lead actors Jay and Chi-ling will both arrive in Singapore on December 20 before they head to Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan. There will be a photographic display of the movie at the entrance of Plaza Singapura till October 31. Shoppers will be able to catch a sneak peek of the movie with over 20 photographs on display.