erry's staff revealed that inside his car there is a dog cage

Jerry's staff revealed that inside his car there is a dog cage

Source: TW Apple Daily
July 27

Recently, there were media reports indicating that Jerry Yan and First Model Lin Zhi Ling's relationship already ended. However, there is someone named Axia who revealed that inside Jerry's car there is a dog cage. Axia started to think, and cant help to suspect that "Yan Lin Lian" is having the dog again, and also maybe by means of the dog he is "thinking of someone when he sees the cage". Afterall, the model's legendary coffee is his gift.

Manager finally denied it

His manager, however, denied all of it. He also said that he had rode in Jerry's car many times already, and had not seen a dog cage. Again hearing the " thinking of someone when he sees the cage" his manager just laughed, " Does a tiny cage cover indicates a cage?" A xia is very curious, why the manager doesnt dare to say much. Is he just afraid to talk concerning Jerry's dog cage?

Translated by Jerrys' Kingdom. Thanks for the credits.


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