Lin Chi-ling's secret plans to be a director

After modeling, acting and singing stints, the Taiwanese top model now plans to go into directing.

Modeling, acting and singing, Lin Chi-ling has done it all. But now the 36-year-old model has plans to venture into directing as well.

The model-turn-actress who is currently single, is putting her heart and soul into her career with plans to work on at least four movies in 2011.

Chi-ling had directed the MV for her own single 'Mu Guang' last year. The Taiwanese beauty had also been hands-on with a 30-min short film project recently, from the storyline to editing.

Besides playing director, Chi-ling wants to dedicate 2011 to filming, hoping for at least four movies and getting breakthrough roles.

She is already in talks to film the movie Fu Chun Shan Ju Tu, which is reportedly a comeback vehicle for Vicki Zhao.


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